At SENDhelp, we believe in helping every pupil and service user we support to develop, grow and achieve and providing our staff with up-to-date training is essential to achieving this. 

Furthermore, by providing access to career development and training to our candidates, we know this will help them to find suitable job opportunities, and flourish within them. 

We have partnered with a number of accredited providers to offer a range accredited courses that can help you develop your career. Whether you are ‘up-skilling’ or ‘re-skilling’, there will be courses that you will find useful, regardless of your occupation, age or level of education.  

The courses could be anything from becoming Team Teach trained, acquiring practical care package training, developing your behaviour management skills, becoming a teacher or learning new skills – we are always looking for individuals that want to make a difference. 

We want to reward the hard work, passion and dedication you show on a daily basis to the pupils you work with and whose lives you want to improve. Most of the courses we offer are free of charge, or are highly discounted.  

You will find a mixture of resources and training via the links below. 


SEND Courses

For all courses specifically related to working in the SEND sector
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Education Sector Courses

For all of the courses that are typically found across the entire education sector
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Behaviour Management Training

For courses specifically curated for working with children with challenging behaviour
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Instant Training & Seminars

A hand-selected range of instant online training and seminars for you to access
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Health & Social Care

The links provided below will forward you to our Health and Social care training partner. Here you can browse the training options available to you. To register your interest on a specific course, please take a note of the course title and speak directly to your consultant for more information.

For all courses below, please ensure you include your ‘Organisation’ as ‘SENDhelp’ and your ‘Managers Name’ and ‘Managers Email’ as your SENDhelp consultants name and email address.

Health & Social Care Training

All Health and Social Care training courses
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Training for Instructors

Training specifically put together for trainers and instructors
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Events & Seminars

Events and Seminars related to Health and Social Care
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Leadership Courses

All courses linked to leadership within the Health and Social Care sector
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