Safeguarding & Vetting

Safety is our priority...

  • CV
  • Certificates / qualifications
  • Enhanced DBS Disclosure (Usually Child and Adult)
  • Child Barred List check
  • Adult Barred List check
  • Teacher Prohibition Check
  • DBS on Update Service
  • 2 x References that cover 12 months of relevant employment
  • Right to Work
  • Visa
  • Overseas Police Check
  • Proof of Address
  • Health and Disability Form
  • Childcare Disqualification Declaration
  • National Insurance Number

All candidates are required to complete a safeguarding assessment and must score at least 80% accuracy, otherwise they will be required to complete a Level 2 safeguarding course prior to completing registration.

This works as follows:

  • HIGH
    Fully cleared for work, all checks have been completed and received.
    Candidate is nearly cleared for work but there is something we deem non-essential missing from their file. This could be a third reference or a character reference, for example. The Waiver status is typically used in emergency situations where a school requires specific support for a certain pupil and would be happy to accept a candidate on these grounds temporarily. If a candidate under the Waiver status is to be used, we will send a full outline of what is outstanding so that the school can review before the placement is confirmed.
    Candidate is midway through our clearing process; outstanding checks/documentation are stated on the candidates vetting form.
  • LOW
    Candidate has not been registered yet and relevant documentation have not been sighted – candidate cannot work with or without a waiver.

Passionate about what we do, we pride ourselves on our commitment to fulfilling our duty of care to every child we support.

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